Listed Buildings
Listed Buildings
- Culmington:
- Tudor Lodge
- Barn to the north west of Culmington Farm
- Culmington Farmhouse
- Prince Phillimore School
- All Saints Church
- Headstone To Robert Williams in the All Saints churchyard
- Flounders Folly
- Elsich Manor
- Burley:
- Burley Farmhouse
- Barns North of Burley Farmhouse
- The Old Cottage
- The Tower House
- Langley:
- Langley Villa
- Langley
- Seifton:
- Seifton Court - Seifton Lane
- Barn to the north of Seifton Farm - Seifton Lane
- Seifton House
Ordinance Survey Archaeological Sites
Map references for:-
Landranger 137
or Explorer 217
4602 8162 - Protected burial ground from the battle of Stokesay in 1645
4707 8203 - Barbed and tanged flint arrowhead found here in 1912.
4937 8196 - Saxon carving and masonry in the church.
4590 8360 - Site of old chapel. Identified by earth shapes.
4855 8315 - Site of a deserted village. Earth shapes more distinct.
4840 8330 - Better example of the deserted village remains.
4670 8390
4695 8368
4690 8408 - Crop marks evidencing an enclosure system and the probable existence of an Iron Age settlement.
4690 8405
4915 8139
4880 8120 - Cropmarks evidencing an enclosure of 285m. x 200m.
4912 8121 - Cropmarks evidencing an enclosure of 95m. x 135m.
4593 8472 - Cropmarks of a more recent date suggesting an enclosure or pound
4790 8130 - Very good earthworks. Building materials also visible on the ground, probably waste from an early quarry identified nearby. Some house platforms are also visible.
4830 8310 - Site of old Seifton chapel.
The above map references are 8 digit references instead of the more normal 6 digit references. The last digit in each group of four can give you greater accuracy. However they are difficult to plot - even on the Explorer map scale. We suggest you drop the fourth digit in each group and at worst you can only be a hundred yards out!
And while you're at it, check out the Roman Road that passes through Culmington by clicking here.